A.D.A.P.T. Emergency Assembly Points
An Emergency Assembly Point (EAP) is a well-developed and well-known FEMA (Federal Emergency Response Agency) disaster management tool for communities and neighborhoods.
Much like a designated assembly area at a school where children gather outside during a fire drill, EAP’s provide a convenient avenue to facilitate neighbors helping neighbors in a major emergency.
Residents should go to their Emergency Assembly Point in an emergency, after making sure that their household members are safe and secure.
Atherton Emergency Assembly Point Locations
Atherton residents are welcome to gather at whatever EAP is nearest to their home - click here for a map. To locate the EAP(s) assigned to your area number, first Find Your Area using the lookup on our home page, then refer to the list below.
Area # Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)
Area 1 A 227 Catalpa Drive
Area 1 B 3 Irving Avenue
Area 2 A 1 Larch Drive
Area 2 B 117 Heather Drive
Area 3 A 72 Manzanita Road
Area 3 B 11 Maple Leaf Way
Area 4 64 Moulton Dr
Area 5 To be determined
Area 6A 32 Belleau Avenue
Area 6B 50 Walnut Ave
Area 7A 32 Almendral Avenue (Fire Station 3)
Area 7B 98 Adam Way
Area 8A Across from 55 Victoria Drive
Area 8B Corner of Isabella and Spencer
Area 8C 61 Atherton Avenue
Area 9A 134 Selby Lane (cul-de-sac corner of Selby and Selby)
Area 9B 202 Austin Avenue (corner of Austin and Almendral)
Area 10 43 Santiago Ave
Area 11 98 Parker Avenue
Area 12 26 Camino al Lago
Area 13 5 Ridge View Dr
Area 14 Walsh and Reservoir (down from 400 Walsh)
Atherton’s EAP locations are designated by a special sign as seen below. An instruction card on the back of each EAP sign provides reminders on how to assess damage and assist neighbors. (See the Neighborhood/EAP Disaster Response checklist.)
Emergency Assembly Point sign
Emergency Assembly Point instruction card
If you have any questions about EAPs or any other emergency preparedness topic, please contact A.D.A.P.T. or your Area Coordinator.
To find out what area your home is in, please use the address lookup tool on our home page.